The School Renews Its Approval On 12/31/2011 - School Code 1018

GEORGIA STATE LICENSURE REQUIREMENTS: Georgia Law requires that an applicant for a salesperson's license must: (1) complete a course or courses totaling a minimum of 75 hours covering the state mandated curriculum, (2) pass a state examination with a score of 75% or better, (3) be at least 18 years of age, and (4) be a high school graduate or the holder of a GED. Georgia Law requires that an applicant for a salesperson's license must also obtain, at the applicant's expense, a certified criminal history report issued by the Georgia Crime Information Center of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation indicating whether the applicant has any record of a criminal history. This report may be obtained through your local police department for a nominal fee no more than 60 days prior to picking up your license.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Metro Brokers Real Estate Academy Pre-License program has been approved by the Georgia Real Estate Commission as satisfying the mandated curriculum. The required 75-hour Salesperson's Pre-license course is available in two formats: In-class or computer-based. Upon successful completion of the course, the student has satisfied the educational requirement for taking the Georgia State Real Estate License examination.

The Pre-license Course covers a broad spectrum of topics including Agency, License Law, Rules & Regulations, Rights & Interests in Land, Forms of Ownership, Title Transfer, Recordation, Finance, Appraisal, Taxes, Leases, Land Use Controls, Contracts, Fair Housing and Anti-Trust Qualifying the Purchaser, Estimating Seller's Net and Purchaser's Costs, Contract to Closing procedures and the Real Estate Closing.

INSTRUCTORS: The approved pre-license instructors for this course are: Julie Abston, Michelle Amendola, Ennis Antoine, Paul Cross, Wade Gaddy, Bruce Harris, Catherine Henderson, Virginia Moore, Donna Mungin, Jeanette Nolan, and Mark Schneider. Additional instructors may be approved by the Commission to teach this course. Verbal additions will be made of approved instructors as needed.

GRADING:All students will be required to conform to the grading policies required of this course under Commission approval. There are three separate homework assignments that must be satisfactorily completed before certification can occur. Other homework will be required in this course but will not constitute a portion of the final passing grade. That grade will be solely determined by the course final examination. Students must achieve a score of 75% or more on the final exam in order to become certified as having completed the course. If the student fails to show for a course scheduled final exam date, then a $30 fee will be charged to reschedule a final exam date and time. Any student who does not pass the final exam the first time may retake the final exam one time at no charge. Email to schedule a retake exam, administered every Tuesday at 11:30am - Atlanta location only. All testing must be completed within one year of original course start date. If a student fails to achieve a passing score on a retake examination, he/she must repeat all course instruction before taking another examination. Re-enrollment fees for the Salesperson's Pre-license course are $220 (in-class format) or $276 (computer-based format).

ATTENDANCE: Students are required to attend all of the required minimum 75 hours. Depending on the course format you have chosen, you will be informed of the minimum requirement. Any missed required attendance will have to be made up by the student before taking the course final exam and becoming certified as having completed the course. Make-up session(s) will be made available in another scheduled Metro Brokers Real Estate Academy Pre-license course (in-class format). There is a $10 fee paid for each make-up session scheduled. The School will allow a student who is unable for any reason to complete this course to do so within 90 days of course start date at a $10 per session make-up fee.

CERTIFICATION: Upon completion of a course, the School will convey the student record of completion online to the testing service no later than the next business day following the School examination. Students will be able to schedule a state examination within 48 hours after the online certification.

RETURNED CHECKS/REFUNDS/TRANSFERS:Any applicant who has a returned check, declined charge, or closed account will be assessed a $30.00 charge. Metro Brokers Real Estate Academy retains a $30.00 administrative fee and a $65.00 book charge (if student received textbook in advance) for any refund paid prior to attending the first class of the course. Once a student has attended any in-class session, no refunds will be issued. If a student has attended less than 50% of the course, then a student may transfer one time only to another in-class pre-license course at no additional charge. The transfer must be completed within one year of original enrollment date. After one year, re-enrollment will be required.

NON-DISCRIMINATION: The School will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, familial, or handicap status in the establishment of fees, entrance qualifications or standards for successful completion of any course.

RECRUITING: No recruiting for employment opportunities for any real estate brokerage firm is allowed in this class or on the School premises. Report promptly any effort to recruit by anyone to the School Director, Alison Trevor Childs at 404-836-4040 or by contacting The Georgia Real Estate Commission.